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Cobb County Government
100 Cherokee Street
Cobb Resident Survey
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Which district do you live in?
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District 1
District 2
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District 4
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INTEGRITY – “Speaking our truth.”
What can Cobb County elected leaders do to build trust?
How can we best highlight our strengths and/or our gaps?
INCLUSION – “Giving value to every human being no matter our differences.”
What has Cobb County done to create an inclusive county?
What can Cobb County do better?
What can we all do better?
INTELLIGENT DECISIONS – “Data consideration… its short term & long term impact.”
What are wise decisions our county has made?
What are decisions our county should have made differently?
What can we do better?
INNOVATE – “Make changes from the established by introducing new methods, ideas & products.”
In what ways has Cobb County been innovative?
In what ways can we do better?
How can we honor our past strengths and bridge today’s and tomorrow’s opportunities?
INVEST – “Sowing into our future.”
How has Cobb County excelled at investing in our people?
How has Cobb done a good job investing in our buildings and infrastructure?
How has Cobb County invested in our future?
How can Cobb County better invest in our future?
What can we all do better to help invest in the future?
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