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Cobb County Government

100 Cherokee Street, Marietta, GA, 30090, US

Request for New Advantage Financial System Access

A copy of this form will be sent to your Department Head

Date of Request

Date Picker

User Information

Fill in the below fields for the user account to be created


Security Access Information

User Needs Access to:

Does this user need to be set up like another user?

What system access is requested? Please check all that apply.

Will this user need access to specialized areas of the system?

Please check all specialized areas that are requested

Does this user need to approve documents in Advantage Financial?

Is there currently a user that the approval levels need to be copied from?

Is there any additional information you would like to include with this request?

Requestor Information

Fill in the below fields with your information

This request was created by:

Please click the Submit button.  Upon submission, your form will be sent to the Advantage Financial System Administrator.  Under normal circumstances, the user account requested will be created within 48 hours, and you will receive an email when it is complete. If you have additional questions, please contact the Call Center at or 770-528-8740.  Thank you!